What is Bible Journaling?
To Journal is to document of your own unique story. Journaling is also putting your feelings on paper and making sense of different things in life. You might have a dream and journal about the processes or the steps you need to take to get there or documenting your journey to get where you want to be.
When you travel you also journal of the wonderful things you experience, taste, feel and see. Having a journal helps you to save your keepsakes and reminders of what the journey meant to you.
Bible journaling is also documenting your own unique journey with God and writing down your conversations with our Heavenly Father, documenting the knowledge you receive from studying His Word, the feelings you have about your faith, your experiences and keepsakes you want to remember of how you are blessed or times where you felt His presence guiding you.
We love art and love making our journaling process creative, this allows for more reflection time on what the Word teaches us, and issues we need to share with the Father that troubles us or being grateful for the wonderful gifts we receive each and every day.
If you are new to bible journaling, this website is the best place to start. We have devotional material to help you study creatively, we also provide stationery to help you create the art in your reflection time.
There are also free video’s and other materials to assist you in your faith journaling. Let the Holy Spirit guide you and may you be blessed in your journey!