Hi there, I recently had several conversations with friends and decided to share why we are starting Lady Wisdom and what she is all about and also why she is and will be such a passion in our lives. We are so exited that the time is getting closer that we will be launching our first devotional but a bit more about that a little later.
I was a rebel when I was still at school and did not want to be like all the other people around me. I rebelled against almost everything. But then I discovered a way to get rid of all the negative energy that was making me rebel against everything and it also helped me look at life differently, and that was journaling. I soon started having obsessions with notebooks and stationery and writing about my feelings and experiences. Until one day the boyfriend I had then read one of my notebooks and made fun of me and laughed at me. I decided there and then, I will never write again. Oh no ….. what a big mistake!!! What was previously my happy place where I could get rid of my negative feelings and anger and frustrations and a safe place where I could make sense of why things happen or are the way they are, was now a place I hated. So I stopped.

Then life happened, I left school, went to Varsity but did not finish and took the first job I could find that did not make me happy. All the while searching for a thing that could be my safe place. I then met up with a boy I had a great friendship with in Standard 10 and our friendship was reborn and became quickly much more than just friendship. He then became my comfort zone and my safe place and I could not imagine sharing my life with anyone else. And then ……. things started going wrong and I lost my comfort zone and safe place to someone else. I also had graves decease at that time and fell into a horrible depression. I did not go anywhere, I did not go out to meet new people, and also did not have a support network to help me through this tough time as I lost the friends in the group we were close to as well, as most of them were his friends before we met.
Things got worse and I turned into a horrible person, hating everything and everyone, until I walked into a book store one day and bought a devotional book and an interactive book that helped you realize your dreams. It had prompts that you had to write about and places where you could collage and doodle. I then worked through the devotional and this book with prompts and I soon realized I found my happy place again. I then started buying more devotionals and prayer books and started to remember what it was that I loved about journaling. Then also the perfect friends and people started entering my life and everything changed, I also met the most awesome boyfriend ever. In 2016 I bought my first journaling bible and was hooked. Previously I would read a passage in the bible but did not make it my own or reflect on it. But with this new Bible because I had to create something in the margin I started thinking about the why, the how come and made the message my own.
I searched everywhere in South Africa for places where they had journaling days but it was so new then that I had to rely on You Tube video’s. Finding the kits they showed in the video’s was also a challenge, but working through the limited devotional kits that was on offer was so awesome. It was however a very expensive and time consuming exercise to get these kits in SA. And so a dream was born and I dreamed that I could make such a product for the SA Market.
So I set out to work on this dream. First I did a couple of classes at a local Scrapbook shop but felt that I lacked the skill to speak to others and ignite the passion I have for bible journaling, and it also felt that I did not get the message over properly. Then one of my dear friends were telling us about bible school she is attending and I approached her with my dream. It turns out that she has a wonderful gift to guide people, you will soon find out when you work through the devotionals we have planned. And so OUR dream was born.

The reason I am sharing my story is to let you know that it does not matter who you are, what your drawing skill level is or what your writing skill is, anyone can do this. I want you to see the path I had to walk in order for me to want to spend more time in the Word, because that was the only way our Father could show me why things was going so horribly wrong in my life. I forgot about Him and the teachings he gives us through His Word. I also want you to see that Bible journaling is not a hobby that is nice to do because everyone is doing it, it is a lifestyle helping you cope with the craziness around us, and helping us to be calm in situations that is negative and evil because we know through the Word that we have a Heavenly Father that will help us through any situation, we will be able to stand firm because the Holy Spirit guides us. And we know that all the sins we have committed against the Father is forgiven through to the blood of His son Jesus Christ.

My dear friend, I am also sharing my first bible journaling pages here, to inspire you to try it out. Remember we are all different and have different liking’s and skills, you do not have to draw or paint. You can just doodle or just write. We are all beginners and only by practicing a skill can you become a master! Also let the Spirit guide you, you will fall in love.
Back to lady wisdom. The website is open and the shop with the art products is also open, if there is any product you wish to explore please let us know! We also have a Facebook page and an Instagram page. And our very own You Tube channel, please interact with us on these platforms. We can all learn from each other and it would make my dream of having a South African bible journaling sisterhood come true. You are welcome to share your art, your heart and testimonies with us, or if you are not ready to let the world in, we would gladly do it anonymously for you. We are all going through difficult times and sometimes it just helps if we see that others have already gone through it and is still standing strong. It then gives us hope that we can know that we too will get through it.
So very much thank you for reading my story, I pray that this will inspire you to also spend more time in the Word and please let us know if we could help you in any way!