“Charm is deceptive, and beauty is vain, but a woman that fears the LORD is to be praised.” Friends it is so much beter to be a God fearing woman. We are all created with such unique and wonderful talents, it does not matter what we look like, it does not matter how cool we are. What is the most important is walking with our heavenly Father and glorifying Him with our lives.
This is the most easiest page in the world and it will not take you a long time to create, you therefore will have more time time to just be with our Father.

I just love line drawings, they are super easy and quick once you have some inspiration to work from. My time was also limited and this page is perfect for those days where you just have too much to do.

I searched Pinterest for some line drawings I could use and found this photo of an amazing wall art with a lady looking down and thought this would be the perfect picture to draw while pondering on the verse. I first made a pencil drawing of the image onto my page very lightly.

Then with a Pigma Micron 02 Sketch Pen, I drew the lady onto the page and then erased all pencil lines, after making sure the pen ink was completely dry, to not smudge the drawing.

The colour palet I chose at first was a light puple grey, a dusty pink and a light pink. But once I added the light pink to the page it was just too pink and I then added a light milky green. I also used some washi tapd that I first sticked onto my jersey to remove the stickyness and covered the verse I was pondering on. The reason for removing the stickyness is so that when you remove it, it does not tear the page. I then added the water colours to the page.

Between adding the different colours on the page I used a craft heat tool to dry the page completely before adding the next colour.

For the journaling, I used a calligraphy pen to write out the verse first, to remind me to not focus on my charm or beauty but to focus on the LORD only. And then I also wrote out my prayer with the Micron pen I used to create the picture.

As a final touch I made splatters on the page with black water colours and my favourite metalic water colours. Hope you enjoyed this process. We also have a video available on our You Tube channel for you to enjoy. Be thankful and share your blessings.✨💖✨