This week we pondered on Psalms 139:14 “I will praise you because I have been remarkably and wondrously made. Your works are wondrous, and I know this very well”. I thought these two birds would look perfect for this verse, they are two totally diffrent bird species but they are just so beautiful. And so are we, we are all totally different but we are all so so beautiful!
My first step was to find pictures of birds that I liked and these two were just too cute I just had to recreate them. The next step was to sketch them in pencil onto the page in different places keeping in mind that I wanted to do my journaling as well.

I then lightly with an eraser erased the heaviest lines as the lines cannot be erased after you put some paint over them. I have the small Koi water colour set and have to do some mixing to get the perfect colour. I used my ceramic paint pallet to do some mixing, and it is a lot of fun.

Wet your water colours first and start with the lightest colour in your picture. Once your first layer is on the page, add another after it has dried or if you put too much colour lift some with a damp brush with some clean water. The paint brushes I used creating this was a Round brushes R12 and R6

When I paint I will start with one section of the picture, but then jump to another colour so that the first can dry. Once the first layer has dried you can add more layers until you get the desired result. With this picture I remembered that the birds has feathers and used fine strikes to give the illusion of feathers.

This set luckily has a black and I could use that for details of the eyes and beak for the bird on the branch. The blue bird has some black in its face, I however made a mistake with the width of the black in the face and I would suggest if you use the black to use it lightly at first so that you can take some of if you make a mistake, I struggled a little.

Hope you enjoyed this process and will create your own little birds remarkably and wonderfully made! We also have a You Tube video available if you wish to see my process. Be thankfuk and share your blessings!✨💖✨